
Loans Savings Checking Certificate of Deposit Rates Mortgages

Loan Rates

APR^As Low As Term: Up To
2021 and Newer 16.25%48 Mo.
6.50%60 Mo.
6.75%72 Mo.
2017-2020 16.50%48 Mo.
6.75%60 Mo.
7.25%72 Mo.
2013-2016 17.50%36 Mo.
7.75%48 Mo.
8.00%60 Mo.
8.25%72 Mo.
2012 & Older18.75%36 Mo.
9.25%48 Mo. (max term without approval)
Classic Auto Loans1,27.25%48 Mo.
7.75%60 Mo.
8.25%72 Mo.
APR^As Low AsTerm: Up To
2016 & Newer7.00%Up to 72 Mo.
7.25%72 Mo. Balloon with 120 Amortization
7.50%Up to 120 Mo.
8.00%Up to 144 Mo. ($20k plus only for qualified borrowers)
8.50%120 Mo. Balloon with 180 Amortization ($30k plus only for qualified borrowers)
9.50%180 Mo. ($30k plus only for qualified borrowers)
2015 & Older10.25%80% LTV and 60 Mo. max term
*Additional rates and terms available for larger value RVs regardless of age. Please inquire with a TBACU team member for further details.
APR^As Low AsTerm: Up To
2016 & Newer7.25%48 Mo.
7.75%60 Mo.
8.25%72 Mo.
2015 & Older9.25%48 Mo.
APR^As Low AsTerm: Up To
2012 & Newer6.75%Up to 72 Mo.
7.25%72 Mo. Balloon with 120 amortization
7.50%Up to 120 Mo.
8.00%Up to 144 Mo. ($20k plus only for qualified borrowers)
8.50%120 Mo. Balloon with 180 Amortization ($30K plus only for qualified borrowers)
9.50%180 Mo. Fixed Amortization ($30k plus only for qualified borrowers)
2011 & Older8.25%120 Mo. Max Term
View Mortgage Rates
Home Equity
APR^As Low As
Home Equity Line of Credit7.75%
Home Equity Fixed7.50%5 year fixed rate
Other Loans
APR^As Low AsTerm: Up To
Bike Loan8.25%60 Mo.-$300 minimum amount to finance
New/Used UCC Items8.25%60 Mo.
Unsecured: Ultraline 310.335%Variable
Unsecured: Value-Line 316.90%Fixed
Unsecured: Personal Loan9.75%Up to 24 Mo.
10.75%36 Mo.
11.75%60 Mo.
VISA Credit Card12.90%

^Annual Percentage Rate. Rates are 'as low as' based on past credit performance and term. Rates effective as of February 12th, 2025. 1Extended terms for these vehicles are available, please contact TBACU for terms and rates. 225+ Years Old or deemed Classic or Exotic by Hagerty Valuation Guide. Vehicles that fit this program must be in running/driving working order. No rolling chassis or project car without approval by Credit Committee.3Repayment on both lines @ $2.00 per $100.00 financed. Rates subject to change without notice.

Auto Loan Calculator

Amount: $
Term: years
Rate: %
Payment: $ / month
*For estimation only.

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Savings Rates

$1 - $9990.05%0.05%
$1,000 - $9,9990.10%0.10%
Other Savings
Traditional IRA Shares0.40%0.40%
Roth IRA Shares0.40%0.40%
Tax Deferred Compensation for School Employees0.60%0.60%
Health Savings Account0.10%0.10%

^Annual Percentage Yield. Qualifications may apply. Rates subject to change without notice. Rates effective as of February 12th, 2025 .

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Checking Rates

Cash Reward Account
Money Market Account
$2,500 - $24,9990.75%0.75%
$25,000 -$99,9991.25%1.26%

^Annual Percentage Yield. Rates as of February 5th, 2025. 1Rate subject to change. Interest not paid on balances over $10,000. No minimum balance or opening deposit required. Some requirements apply, if requirements are not met there are no penalty fees.

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Certificate of Deposit Rates

Ask about our local CD matching rate program*

RateAPY^With Direct DepositAPY
6 Month- $500 Minimum3.40%3.45%3.60%3.65%
6 Month Add-On CD - $250 Minimum2.75%2.78%2.95%2.98%
12 Month- $500 Minimum3.30%3.34%3.50%3.55%
24 Month- $500 Minimum3.00%3.03%3.20%3.24%
36 Month- $500 Minimum3.00%3.03%3.20%3.24%
48 Month- $500 Minimum3.00%3.03%3.20%3.24%
60 Month- $500 Minimum3.00%3.03%3.20%3.24%
Direct Deposit Rate: 0.20%

*Qualifications may apply.

^APY = Annual Percentage Yield, or the effective annual rate of return taking into account the effect of compounding interest. Fees may reduce earnings. Penalty applies for early withdrawal. Rates are effective as of February 12th, 2025. Rates are the same for IRA and HSA CDs. Rates subject to change without notice.

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